How long is a day on Venus?

Vénus ou Vênus é o segundo planeta do Sistema Solar em ordem de distância a partir do Sol, orbitando-o a cada 224,7 dias. Recebeu seu nome em homenagem à deusa romana do amor e da beleza Vénus, equivalente a Afrodite.
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How long is a full day on Venus?

Venus rotates much more slowly than Earth does, so a day on Venus is much longer than a day on Earth. A day on Venus lasts for 243 Earth days or 5,832 hours! A day on Earth is 23.943 hours.
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Is a day on Venus 116 days or 243 days?

Other planets have much longer days – Venus has a sidereal day of 243 days and 36 minutes. However Venus has retrograde motion so it spins in a clockwise direction, meaning its solar day (116 days and 18 hours) ends up being shorter than its sidereal day.
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Could we live on Venus for one day?

Most astronomers feel that it would be impossible for life to exist on Venus. Today, Venus is a very hostile place. It is a very dry planet with no evidence of water, its surface temperature is hot enough to melt lead, and its atmosphere is so thick that the air pressure on its surface is over 90 times that on Earth.
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Is there breathable air on Venus?

Having found oxygen, Venus becomes a tiny bit more hospitable, but don't start packing your bags just yet. Oxygen concentrations are fleetingly low, nowhere near the 21% we enjoy here on Earth, and with surface temperatures of nearly 900 Fahrenheit, no amount of oxygen would let us breathe easily.
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Why is a day on Venus longer than a year?

Did life ever exist on Venus?

Scientists have speculated that if liquid water existed on its surface before the runaway greenhouse effect heated the planet, microbial life may have formed on Venus, but it may no longer exist.
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Did Venus ever have a moon?

One of biggest mysteries in the solar system is why Venus has no moon. A new model suggests that our sister planet may have in fact had a moon, but that it was destroyed. Earth's moon is thought to have formed when a Mars-size body struck the early Earth, hurling material into orbit, where it coalesced.
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Why does Venus rotate backwards?

The venusian atmosphere could also have played a role: heated by solar radiation, it would thicken; the tidal forces acting on Venus could then have slowed its rotation to the point of stopping the planet and even make it turn in the other direction.
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How long is 1 day on Mercury?

One Mercury solar day (one full day-night cycle) equals 176 Earth days – just over two years on Mercury.
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How hot is Venus?

Now, imagine that same process happening on Venus, a place with over 2,000 times as much CO2 in the atmosphere and a lot closer to the Sun. And it's no wonder that Venus's actual average surface temperature is a blistering 870 degrees Fahrenheit or about 465 degrees Celsius.
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Which planet has the shortest day?

Jupiter has the shortest day in the solar system. One day on Jupiter takes only about 10 hours (the time it takes for Jupiter to rotate or spin around once), and Jupiter makes a complete orbit around the Sun (a year in Jovian time) in about 12 Earth years (4,333 Earth days).
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Why is a Venus day so long?

Venus rotates very slowly on its axis – one day on Venus lasts 243 Earth days. The planet orbits the Sun faster than Earth, however, so one year on Venus takes only about 225 Earth days, making a Venusian day longer than its year!
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Why is Venus so special?

Venus is the second planet from the Sun, and our closest planetary neighbor. It's the hottest planet in our solar system, and is sometimes called Earth's twin.
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Why is Venus' rotation so slow?

Venus takes 243 Earth days to rotate one time, but its atmosphere circulates the planet every four days. Extremely fast winds cause the atmosphere to drag along the surface of the planet as it circulates, slowing its rotation while also loosening the grip of the sun's gravity.
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What is the slowest planet?

Venus is the slowest spinning planet in the Solar System. Actually, a day on Venus is longer than a year on Venus! A year on Venus (the time it takes for it to orbit the Sun) is 225 Earth days.
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Why is Venus Earth's twin?

Venus and Earth are sometimes called twins because they're pretty much about the same size. Venus is almost as big as Earth. They also formed in the same inner part of the solar system. Venus is in fact our closest neighbor to Earth.
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Which planet doesn't spin?

There is no planet in our solar system that does not rotate to some degree. In fact, rotation is a fundamental property of planets and other celestial bodies.
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Could Venus hit Earth?

Mars and Venus could slam into Earth billions of years hence

New supercomputer simulations predict that, in 3 billion to 4 billion years, there is a slight chance that Venus or Mars will slam into our planet thanks to the subtle gravitational interactions between Jupiter and Mercury.
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Does Venus have oxygen?

Venus's atmosphere is almost entirely made up of carbon dioxide – but German astronomers have detected oxygen in the planet's atmosphere on both its day and night sides. The discovery could shed light on why the Venusian atmosphere is so different to our own. It may also help support future space missions to Venus.
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Why does Venus have no rings?

It is likely that large rings couldn't form on inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars) because the rings are made of frozen icy dust, and the sun is too hot this close to it for the rings to form.
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Did Earth have a sibling planet?

Ask which planet in the solar system is Earth's closest sibling, and many people might point to Mars. It orbits nearby, just a little farther from the Sun. It was born at the same time and with the same stuff as Earth. And it is thought to have once had rivers and lakes, even oceans.
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Could Venus become habitable?

Warren ran simulations of hundreds of different scenarios to find out which were most likely, and they found Venus was habitable in its early days in less than 1% of these scenarios. Furthermore, none of the simulations found Venus habitable past the first third of its history.
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How long will Earth be habitable for humans?

Roughly 1.3 billion years from now, "humans will not be able to physiologically survive, in nature, on Earth" due to sustained hot and humid conditions. In about 2 billion years, the oceans may evaporate when the sun's luminosity is nearly 20% more than it is now, Kopparapu said.
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