Is Asperger's on a spectrum?

Asperger Syndrome can be defined as a neurobehavioral disorder of genetic base, included in the autism spectre and with specific diagnostic criteria.
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Can people with Asperger's be normal?

The majority of children and adults with Asperger syndrome live well and are able to enjoy life and do many things that neurotypical people can do. Many people will have some level of difficulty with some daily tasks or interactions.
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What are the 12 signs of Asperger's?

12 Signs of Asperger's in Teens
  • Trouble taking turns during conversations.
  • Difficulty interpreting social cues, body language, tone of voice and facial expressions.
  • Struggles to empathize with or understand the perspective of others.
  • Difficulty staying on task and understanding or following directions.
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Are you on the spectrum if you have Aspergers?

Asperger's Syndrome is a form of Autism Spectrum Disorder. It is a developmental disorder. Young people with Asperger's Syndrome may have a hard time relating to others socially, repetitive behavior patterns, and a narrow range of interests.
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Do people with Asperger's see the world differently?

The National Autistic society classes Asperger's Syndrome as an Autistic Spectrum Disorder. People with Asperger syndrome see, hear and feel the world differently to other people. They don't have the learning disabilities that many autistic people have, but they may have specific learning difficulties.
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The truth about Asperger's syndrome and Autism

Are most people with Asperger's intelligent?

Those with Asperger's syndrome, in contrast, must by definition have suffered no cognitive delay during their first 3 years of life. This means that they will usually have at least a “normal” IQ. In some cases, their IQ may be very high, even in the genius range. There are, however, different kinds of smarts.
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Do people with Aspergers have a certain look?

Some of the frequent facial features of autism are a broader upper face, shorter middle face, wider eyes, bigger mouth, and the philtrum. One of the characteristic features of autism is the way individuals with autism process and respond to sensory information.
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Can I tell someone they have Aspergers?

think twice before telling them

Some may automatically link it with an intellectual disability or mental illness, disabilities that many people also have misconceptions about. Some auties and aspies have found people who have reacted negatively, avoided them, or been sympathetic rather than understanding.
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What is high functioning Aspergers like?

Asperger syndrome is often considered a high functioning form of autism. It can lead to difficulty interacting socially, repeat behaviors, and clumsiness. Asperger syndrome is a part of the larger developmental disorder category of autism spectrum disorder.
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Can people with Asperger's love?

Despite the problems in relationship skills experienced by many people with Asperger's syndrome, some adults can progress along the relationship continuum and are able to experience romantic and subsequently intimate personal relationships, even becoming a lifelong partner.
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Do people with Aspergers realize they have it?

Many adults with ASD do not realize they are doing this and thus do not think it is a problem or a behavior they should change. Because feelings and emotions make them uncomfortable, they tend to intellectualize subjects (refer to books and studies) which may make them come across as cold and unfeeling.
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How do Asperger's think differently?

They can be quite rigid in their thinking, seeing things in only one way, or they may be very concrete and literal in their thinking, only seeing things in "black and white" terms, with little or no understanding of the more ambiguous "gray" in between--like knowing when and where to apply a rule such as saying, " ...
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Do people with Asperger's have good memory?

Visual and spatial memory

People with Asperger's Syndrome were found to have spatial working memory deficits compared with control subjects on the Executive-Golf Task, although these may be indicative of a more general deficit in non-verbal intelligence in people with ASD.
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Do people with Asperger's get angry easily?

In addition to difficulties with understanding emotions, individuals with ASDs may become angry quickly and may have difficulty calming themselves effectively. They often need to be taught skills to cope with an increase in irritability once they have been able to identify these emotions.
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What does untreated Asperger's look like?

Some of the effects of unaddressed or untreated Asperger's syndrome may include: Social isolation. Difficulty making and keeping friends. Challenges in finding and maintaining steady employment.
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Can you call yourself autistic if you have Aspergers?

Although Asperger syndrome has been retired from use by medical professionals, some who received the diagnosis prior to 2013 still use the term and see it as an important part of their identity. Others prefer to refer to themselves as autistic. Both are correct; it is just a matter of personal choice.
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What is the most distinctive symptom of a person with Aspergers?

Characteristics of Asperger syndrome include difficulty with social interactions and unusual behaviors such as: Rarely changing facial expression. Not making eye contact when speaking to others. Talking incessantly about a single topic and not noticing that others are not listening.
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What is the opposite of Aspergers?

According to the diametric model, psychotic spectrum disorders (PSDs) are the mentalistic opposite of autistic spectrum ones (ASDs). ASDs are hypo-mentalistic, meaning deficits in our innate ability to understand behavior in mental terms, but PSDs are hyper-mentalistic, with excessive mentalizing in all its forms.
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Why do Aspies avoid eye contact?

Autistic Adults Say Eye Contact Is Painful

The study also found that many autistic people find eye contact invasive, distracting, and confusing. Some reported eye contact should be reserved for intimate relationships and trusted people.
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Do people with Asperger's have high IQ?

The latter study further reported that 25% of children with ASD were in the borderline range (IQ 71–85), and 44% had IQ scores in the average to above average range (IQ ≥ 85).
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Are there any physical traits of Aspergers?

Typical physical findings in children with Asperger syndrome may include the following: Lax joints (eg, an immature or unusual grasp for handwriting and other fine hand movements) Clumsiness. Anomalies of locomotion, balance, manual dexterity, handwriting, rapid movements, rhythm, and imitation of movements.
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