Is optimistic a positive word?

hoping or believing that good things will happen in the future: optimistic about She is optimistic about her chances of winning a gold medal. She ended her speech on an optimistic note.
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Is optimistic a positive or negative word?

Optimism and pessimism are mindsets — ways of thinking and seeing things. Optimists see the positive side of things. They expect things to turn out well. They believe they have the skill and ability to make good things happen.
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Is optimistic being positive?

The dictionary definition of optimism is 'hopefulness and confidence about the future or the success of something' while positivity is 'the practice of being, or tendency to be positive or optimistic in attitude.
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Is optimistic a good quality?

Optimists don't give up as easily as pessimists, and they are more likely to achieve success because of it. People with optimistic attitudes are more likely to continue working toward their goals, even in the face of obstacles, challenges, and setbacks.
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Is optimism a negative thing?

While optimism is a healthy attribute, being overly optimistic in the face of adversity can be toxic and negatively influence your emotional wellness. Positive thinking improves life outcomes and reduces the likelihood of suicide ideation and behavior, but toxic positivity forces people to disregard negative emotions.
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Optimism Can Be Learned: Psychologist Shares Tips On How To Do It

What is the opposite of optimistic?

Synonyms for optimistic include assured, cheerful, confident, encouraged, happy, hopeful, idealistic, keeping the faith, positive, and promising. Antonyms for optimistic include dejected, depressed, doubtful, gloomy, hopeless, pessimistic, and sorrowful.
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Are optimistic people attractive?

Previous research has shown that people with an optimistic life orientation are perceived as socially more attractive than pessimists. However, following the similarity-attraction hypothesis, we assumed that both the perceiver's and the target's life orientation affects perceptions of social attractiveness.
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Are optimistic people smarter?

Dr Dawson's subsequent comments may reveal something of his research and publication motive, his distaste for "positive thinking" "embedded in our culture." The Bath study asserts that "over-optimism" is associated with being less intelligent.
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Is it better to be an optimist or realist?

Realists with grounded expectations reported better psychological health than extreme optimists or pessimists. Pessimists showed 37.2% more psychological distress compared to realists, and even optimists weren't spared, showing an 11.8% increase.
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Is it realistic to be optimistic?

It is also true that we have to watch out for being overly optimistic or being toxically positive. Believing that challenges magically disappear is not productive. However, being a realistic optimist means that we can be aware of the challenges, or we know that action needs to be taken in order to get to what we want.
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Are successful people optimistic?

There are even studies from top psychologists showing that people with more optimistic outlooks perform better cognitively and have a better chance of being successful in life.
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Is it better to be optimistic or pessimistic?

Our survival and wellness require a balance between optimism and pessimism. Undue pessimism makes life miserable; however, excessive optimism can lead to dangerously risky behaviors.
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Is being optimistic positive?

Optimism, or being hopeful about future events, is important to our physical and mental health, psychologists say. It can help us be more resilient, have better pain management, stronger immune function and longer lifespans. Optimistic people also tend to have better relationships and are happier.
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Is optimistic similar to positive?

There is a difference between being positive and optimistic. Positivity is telling ourselves and others that everything is good, even if it isn't. Optimism accepts the truth of reality and looks forward to a brighter future.
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Is optimistic a neutral trait?

Leaders should recognize that optimism, pessimism, or realism are neutral traits we bring to the table, and they may either help us or hinder us depending on the situation.
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Is being optimistic a skill or talent?

Optimism is a learnable skill that can be developed in schools by caring and supportive educators.
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Do optimistic people live longer?

Optimists tend to live on average 11 to 15 percent longer than pessimists and have an excellent chance of achieving “exceptional longevity.” The same correlation has been identified in relation to minor illnesses like the common cold.
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Are optimistic people healthier?

A positive mindset is associated with better health and a lower chance of disease. A review of 15 studies with over 200,000 participants found a 35% lower chance of getting heart disease and a 14% lower chance of early death in people who were optimists.
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Which gender is more optimistic?

It shows that men are significantly more optimistic than women. We use a variety of tests for the equality of distributions and equality of medians between gender. Specifically, the Kolmogorov–Smirnov and Wilcoxon rank-sum test both confirm the differences at the 1% level of statistical significance.
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What is the downside of being optimistic?

But it can also have its downsides. For example, being overly optimistic can blind you to the costs and consequences of a situation. You can overestimate the benefits, and underestimate the costs. And you can make poor decisions because you fail to make an accurate assessment of the number and magnitude of the risks.
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Which personality is the most optimistic?

ENFP - The Champion. "Most Optimistic"

ENFPs see life as full of possibilities. They make connections between events and information very quickly and confidently proceed based on the patterns they see. They work logically and rationally, and they are unique problem solvers.
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What is better than optimistic?

However, optimism and pessimism both have risks. Optimists may get easily disappointed if they're always assuming good things will happen. Pessimists can tend to have more depressed or anxious feelings. There's actually another option that's all-around better for your health, and that's realistic thinking.‌
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Are humans naturally optimistic?

"People By Nature Are Universally Optimistic, Study Shows." ScienceDaily.
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What is optimistic personality?

An optimistic person thinks the best possible thing will happen, and hopes for it even if it's not likely. Someone who's a tad too confident this way is also sometimes called optimistic. If you see the glass as half-full when others see it as half-empty; if you look on the bright side of things, you're optimistic.
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