What kanji means water?

Japanese kanji "Mizu" (water)
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What is the kanji word for water?

The Japanese kanji for “water” is 水. The pronunciation of the Kanji 水 is “mizu” (みず) in its kun'yomi (Japanese reading) and “sui” (スイ) in its on'yomi (Chinese reading). The shape of this kanji is rather simple, and its shape has a clear origin.
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What is the kanji meaning ocean?

海 【うみ】 sea, ocean, waters.
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What is the kanji meaning river?

川 means 'river'
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What is the kanji for fluid?

液 - Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
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Do you know the meaning of these water kanji 漢字? [BEGINNERS]

What is the kanji for hydro?

Kanji with Tavo — Kanji(radical): 氵 Meaning: water, aqua, hydro ...
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What is the kanji for thirsty?

渇 means 'thirsty'
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What is the kanji for flow?

流 means 'flow'

They are typically used when a kanji appears as part of a jukugo (kanji compound). For example, in 日本, 日 is read as に, one of the on readings. On readings are typically written in katakana. Kun (訓) readings are uniquely Japanese.
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What is the kanji for hot water?

湯 means 'hot water'
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What is the kanji for wave?

波 means 'wave'
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What is the kanji for salt?

塩 means 'salt'
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What is water lily in kanji?

Water lilies (suiren, 水蓮) are often seen in Japanese gardens, symbolizing purity and spiritual growth.
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What is the kanji for ocean?

海 means 'ocean'

On (音) readings are based on the original Chinese pronunciation of a kanji.
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What is the kanji for rain?

The Kanji 雨 is Ame which means "rain".
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What is kanji for moon?

The kanji for the moon, 月 (tsuki), holds significant cultural and symbolic meaning in Japanese culture beyond its literal reference to Earth's natural satellite.
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What is water in kanji?

水 means 'water'

Kanji are classified as Jōyō (常用, common use), Jinmeiyō (人名用, used in names), or Hyōgaiji (表外字, 'outside the chart').
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What is the kanji for swim?

泳 means 'swim'
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What is the kanji for sun?

The kanji for “sun” in Japanese is 日. The pronunciation of 日 is “hi” in its kun'yomi reading and “nichi” or “jitsu” in its on'yomi reading.
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What is the kanji for liquid?

On reading compounds
  • 溶岩 (ヨウガン) lava
  • 溶液 (ヨウエキ) solution (liquid)
  • 溶溶 (ヨウヨウ) vast, overflowing with water, spacious
  • 可溶 (カヨウ) soluble, solubilizing, solubilising
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What is the kanji of river?

Just as that kanji carries the Joyo kun-yomi かわ, we can refer to the 川 radical as かわ, or as "river" in English.
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What is the kanji for spring water?

WaniKani / Kanji / 泉
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What is the kanji for flowing water?

Kanji: 水 and the water radical 氵 水 is the kanji for water, based on a drawing of flowing water. It's pronounced すい (sui) in compounds borrowed from Chinese and みず (mizu) in native Japanese words, and it's found in words about water: 水(みず) water,... 水 is the kanji for water, based on a drawing of flowing water.
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What is the kanji for ice?

氷 means 'ice'
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What is the kanji for water vs ice?

Names of the Various "Water" Radicals

You can write that in kanji as 三水 (three + water), reflecting the fact that 氵has three strokes. This name differentiates 氵 from the two-stroke 冫, the "ice" radical known as にすい and represented in kanji as 二水 (two + water).
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