Why is Ron so angry in Deathly Hallows?

He was angry that he had been cheated out of the three new victims, for travelers usually drowned in the river. But Death was cunning. He pretended to congratulate the three brothers upon their magic, and said that each had earned a prize for having been clever enough to evade him.
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Why is Ron so moody in Deathly Hallows?

Ron wore the horcrux. By doing this the piece of Voldemort's soul held in the horcrux was poisoning Ron's mind and making him feel less than. 2.) Ron never spent much time away from his family and all of a sudden he is spending months away from them and he's not even in a “homely” place.
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Why is Ron so annoying in Deathly Hallows?

Ron's leaving was a way for J.K. to showcase Ron's worst, as well as his best, characteristics. He had always had trouble with his temper (As did Harry) and he tended to hold grudges and brood a lot. He wasn't always the most clear-headed character, and he often made poor judgements.
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Why was Ron so jealous in Deathly Hallows?

Ron was obviously jealous that Harry got special attention from her. When Harry and Hermione found out that the sword was impregnated with basilisk venom they had completely forgot him. Though I do not blame them on this one. Hermione had suddenly figured it out and told them person who was there: Harry.
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Why was Ron so angry?

This means that when Harry's name comes out of the Goblet of Fire, Ron is extremely jealous--Harry's fame and fortune make Ron feel even more inferior, and he feels as though Harry went behind his back to enter without giving Ron the chance to enter too.
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Ron Leaves | Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt. 1

Why did the Horcrux make Ron angry?

He struggles with feelings of jealousy towards Harry, particularly regarding his fame and abilities, and Hermione, who represents intelligence and competence. When they are wearing the locket Horcrux, Ron's insecurities are exacerbated, leading him to experience intense feelings of anger and despair.
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Why did Ron get mad at Harry in Deathly Hallows Part 1?

In ``Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows,'' Ron's argument with Harry after Ginny kisses him stems from a mix of jealousy, protectiveness, and the stress of their dire situation. Ron feels a sense of rivalry and frustration because Harry's relationship with Ginny, who is Ron's sister, complicates their friendship.
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Why was Hermione never affected by the Horcrux like Ron and Harry?

Hermione's intelligence puts her above most characters in the saga, but it's her heart and level-headed personality that truly got her the love of the fandom. Because of these attributes, she wasn't affected by Slytherin's locket like Harry and Ron.
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Why couldn t Hermione hug Ron?

In the film, she only hugs Harry, and just gives a hesitant handshake to Ron (Note: This was the result of Emma Watson being hesitant to hug both Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint in public view, with her hugging Radcliffe during filming having to be frozen for a few seconds to get the desired effect due to Watson ...
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Why is Ron mad at Harry in the 4th movie?

The Goblet selects Fleur Delacour for Beauxbatons, Viktor Krum for Durmstrang, and Cedric for Hogwarts. It then selects Harry as a fourth Champion, causing much confusion. Many students believe Harry cheated and Ron shuns him, hurt that Harry did not inform him when he apparently entered.
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Why did Hermione suddenly like Ron?

Hermione is tough and independent and Ron is sweet and caring, and they have personality traits and unique qualities that make their relationship work.
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Is Ron Weasley a blood traitor?

Also joined the Order of the Phoenix, a blood traitor organisation who opposed Voldemort and Death Eaters. Dated Ronald Weasley, a "blood traitor", in 1996. Although they eventually broke up, she still fought against Lord Voldemort and the Death Eaters during the Battle of Hogwarts.
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Was Ron toxic to Hermione?


Ron was honestly kind of a jerk sometimes. He was a really tactless person all around, and he often took out his anger and annoyances on Hermione. His insecurity and jealousy could also make him mean.
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Why doesn't Ron believe Harry about the Goblet of Fire?

Ron was upset because he thought that Harry put his name in the Goblet on purpose.
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Why is Moody so mean to Malfoy?

He saw Draco and Harry argue. He realised there and then that attacking Draco would be a good way to get into Harry's good books, and give him a chance at developing a relationship with Harry that goes beyond a teacher-student relationship, allowing him to later manipulate Harry.
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Is Ron a pure-blood?

Coincidentally, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley are each of the three distinct types of wizards; Harry being a half-blood, Hermione being a Muggle-born, and Ron being a pure-blood.
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Why didn't Hermione save Dobby?

There was nothing to be done at that point. Hermione would have helped if she could, but she knew that Dobby was doomed.
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Why did Ron date Lavender when he liked Hermione?

She took to complimenting him and flirting with him, which Ron seemed surprised and flattered by, though he was interested in Hermione Granger at the time. However, after Ron became angry with Hermione, he began to appreciate Lavender's care for him and entered into a romantic relationship with Lavender.
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Was Hermione in love with Ron?

“Ron, I'm really, really sorry about Scabbers…” she sobbed. “Oh — well — he was old,” said Ron, looking thoroughly relieved that she had let go of him. Hermione definitely had a crush on Ron in 3rd year and that only deepened in 4th year. It was clear she wanted Ron to ask her out at the yule ball.
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Why is Ron so weird in Deathly Hallows?

But still, Ron was suffering from severe anaemia. This made him physically weak and while wearing the locket, it affected him easily because of his condition. It is a fact that fear could feed off a person especially when they're physically weak. Ron had many thoughts running in his mind, making him mentally unstable.
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Why did Ron hate Harry in Deathly Hallows?

Jealousy: Ron experiences jealousy over Harry's perceived ease of success and the attention he receives. This is compounded by the fact that he feels overshadowed by Harry and Hermione's close bond, which exacerbates his insecurities.
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Why did the locket affect Ron more?

It's a common reading of DH that Ron was simply more vulnerable to the locket than Harry or Hermione because of his insecurities, that the locket targeted Ron for his weaknesses. Obviously, the locket's torture of Ron was particularly nasty.
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Why did Harry let Ron destroy the Horcrux?

After a brief reconciliation, Harry decided that Ron must be the one to destroy the locket, since he recovered the sword. Harry came to this conclusion because Ron was the one the locket effected the most. Harry spoke the word "open" in Parseltongue, causing the locket to spring open.
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Why is Ron so moody in Goblet of Fire?

Among the worst fears that plagued Ron in Harry Potter was to be seen as his best friend's sidekick rather than as an equal. This took the best of him when Harry's name came out of the Goblet of Fire, which made Ron angry because he thought Harry had deliberately added himself into the mix.
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Why is Dumbledore so angry at Harry in Goblet of Fire?

In this moment, Harry's ability to constantly get himself in dangerous situations is once again threatening Dumbledore's carefully planned method of destroying the greatest evil of the time. So his anger is understandable as he watches more than a decade of plotting edging dangerously close to being undone.
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