Are computers still based on binary?

Unfortunately, computers cannot understand ordinary spoken English or any other natural language. The only language they can understand directly is called machine code. This consists of the 1s and 0s (binary codes) that are processed by the CPU.
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Do computers today still use binary?

Current uses of binary

Most modern computers use binary encoding for instructions and data. CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray Discs represent sound and video digitally in binary form. Telephone calls are carried digitally on long-distance and mobile phone networks using pulse-code modulation, and on voice over IP networks.
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Are all computers based on binary?

All information in a computer is represented in a binary format, but not all bits are interpreted as a number at any point. There's a difference between the information you want to store and the representation you use to do it.
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Is computer code still binary?

Computers can represent numbers using binary code in the form of digital 1s and 0s inside the central processing unit (CPU) and RAM. These digital numbers are electrical signals that are either on or off inside the CPU or RAM.
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Can computers exist without binary?

A ternary computer, also called trinary computer, is one that uses ternary logic (i.e., base 3) instead of the more common binary system (i.e., base 2) in its calculations. Ternary computers use trits, instead of binary bits.
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Why do we still use binary numbers in modern computers?

Does quantum computing still use binary?

On the other hand, quantum computers use non-binary, multi-dimensional and quantum mechanical states. Unlike our classic computers, they don't solve problems one after the other, instead, they do everything at the same time, including complex entries.
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Is ternary more efficient than binary?

The hallmark feature of ternary notation is that it's ruthlessly efficient. With two binary bits, you can represent four numbers. Two “trits” — each with three different states — allow you to represent nine different numbers. A number that requires 42 bits would need only 27 trits.
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What does 01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 00100001 mean?

01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 00100001

Those ones and zeros might not look like anything to you, but in binary code the numbers are actually saying “Hello!” Any code that uses just two symbols to represent information is considered binary code.
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Why do computers even use binary?

If computers were to use the decimal system, there would be 10 states instead and they would have to work a lot harder to process them all. Binary is easier for computers to process, and it also takes up less space.
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What is more efficient than binary?

No, there is no search faster than Binary Search. Binary Search is the fastest searching algorithm for sorted data. It takes O(log2N) time to search any element in the sorted search space. In this article, we will discuss about how Binary Search works, it time complexity, comparison with other search algorithms, etc.
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What is hello in binary?

Therefore, HELLO in binary is written as 01001000 01000101 01001100 01001100 01001111.
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Is everything stored in binary?

All data and programs are stored on a computer in binary form represented by 1's and 0's.
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Is everything based on binary code?

Binary is the language that computers use to communicate with each other and to store information. Everything a computer does is based on binary code.
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Will binary become obsolete?

With regards to using binary states in computers, it will persist until someone finds something better. There are a lot of advantages to having two state electronics, so it may be that there is nothing better than binary. If that is the case, it will never be outdated.
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Do phones run on binary?

The binary system is based on two numerals: 0 and 1. Computers use binary because it's the simplest method for counting available and is how a computer runs everything through your phone or PC, from memory to HD video streaming.
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Are modern computers binary?

Modern computers and High-Level operations, all ultimately use the Binary system. There are multiple layers of abstraction involved in the process.
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Do computers still run on binary code?

Binary is still used in computing and digital systems for several key reasons: Simplicity: Binary uses only two states (0 and 1), which simplifies the design of electronic circuits. Transistors, the fundamental building blocks of computers, can easily represent these two states as ``off'' (0) and ``on'' (1).
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Can computers use something other than binary?

Answer: Yes, FORTRAN, Algol, COBOL, SNOBOL4, Pascal, LISP, Prolog, SQL, Smalltalk, are few that come to mind. C and C++ does not require a binary machine to be implement but does allow for octal and hexadecimal representations.
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Do people still program in binary?

This is also what modern computers and machines use to talk to each other in machine language, which consists entirely of 1s and 0s. Binary language is often taught as a part of computer science fundamentals but it's more of an introduction to how computers work. People almost never actually write binary.
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How do you say the F word in binary code?

You need to factor in the usage of lowercase letters as well:
  1. a: 01100001.
  2. b: 01100010.
  3. c: 01100011.
  4. d: 01100100.
  5. e: 01100101.
  6. f: 01100110.
  7. g: 01100111.
  8. h: 01101000.
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What is the binary code for I love you?

01001001 00100000 01101100 01101111 01110110 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 is binary code for "I love you".
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What does E mean in binary?

Hexadecimal letter E is equivalent to number 14 in decimal, which is 1110 in binary.
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Why do computers use binary instead of ternary?

To make a 3-state bit would take 2 transistors, but you could make 2 binary bits out of the same transistors and have 4 states instead of 3. Binary is just more practical at the low level. If you tried to set thresholds on the circuit and use 0, +1, +2 instead, you run into a different set of problems.
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Is it bad practice to use ternary operator?

If you don't abuse the ternary operator as if replacement and if there is no nesting, it is perfectly fine to use the ternary operator. Nested ternary operators are a no-go.
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Would a ternary computer be faster?

Also ternary logic allows more range in operations. Binary logic is wastly more popular, because it more easy to use. And implement. But research show that ternary computers will be faster up to 50%.
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