Can a disconnected graph have a minimum spanning tree?

And finally, used Kruskal's algorithm20, implemented by library networkx, to calculate the minimum spanning tree. A spanning tree is a subset of a graph, which has all the vertices with the minimum possible number of edges. Hence, a spanning tree does not have cycles and it cannot be disconnected.
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What is the minimum spanning tree of a disconnected graph?

A minimum spanning tree of a connected weighted graph is a connected subgraph, without cycles, for which the sum of the weights of all the edges in the subgraph is minimal. For a disconnected graph, a minimum spanning forest is composed of a minimum spanning tree for each connected component.
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Does a minimum spanning tree have to be connected?

Yes. The graph must be connected. For a disjointed graph you can't have a spanning tree. If you want a subgraph that spans the entire disjointed graph it's called a spanning forrest.
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Can a disconnected graph be a tree?

Theorem 6: A graph G is a tree if and only if it is minimally connected. Proof: Let the graph G is minimally connected, i.e; removal of one edge make it disconnected.
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Does a connected graph always have a spanning tree?

Theorem 5.5. 8 Every connected graph has a spanning tree. Proof. By induction on the number of edges.
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146 Build Minimum cost Spanning Tree (MST) for Connected and Disconnected Graph

Can a disconnected graph have spanning tree?

Spanning Tree: A spanning tree is a subset of Graph G, which has all the vertices covered with minimum possible number of edges. Hence, a spanning tree does not have cycles and it cannot be disconnected..
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What is the minimum no of spanning tree in a connected graph?

There is a minimum of at least 1 spanning tree in a connected graph. A minimum spanning tree is a graph subset with the same number of vertices as the graph and edges equal to the number of (vertices -1).
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What are the conditions for a disconnected graph?

An undirected graph that is not connected is called disconnected. An undirected graph G is therefore disconnected if there exist two vertices in G such that no path in G has these vertices as endpoints. A graph with just one vertex is connected. An edgeless graph with two or more vertices is disconnected.
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Is a disconnected graph still a graph?

I believe, since you can define a graph G=(E,V) by its edge and vertex sets, it is perfectly ok to have a disconnected graph (i.e. a graph with no path between some vertices). In fact, taking E to be empty still results in a graph.
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Is a tree a minimally connected graph?

Now we have a connected subgraph of the cube graph that cannot lose any more edges and still remain connected. (Third diagram.) In general, we say that a graph T is a tree if it is a minimally connected graph: T is connected, but for every edge e ∈ E(T), the subgraph T − e is no longer connected.
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Does every graph have a minimum spanning tree?

Every finite connected graph has a spanning tree. However, for infinite connected graphs, the existence of spanning trees is equivalent to the axiom of choice. An infinite graph is connected if each pair of its vertices forms the pair of endpoints of a finite path.
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What are the requirements for a minimum spanning tree?

4.3 Minimum Spanning Trees
  • The graph is connected. The spanning-tree condition in our definition implies that the graph must be connected for an MST to exist. ...
  • The edge weights are not necessarily distances. ...
  • The edge weights may be zero or negative. ...
  • The edge weights are all different.
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Can there be two minimum spanning trees?

If there are n vertices in the graph, then each spanning tree has n − 1 edges. This figure shows there may be more than one minimum spanning tree in a graph. In the figure, the two trees below the graph are two possibilities of minimum spanning tree of the given graph.
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Does Kruskal work on disconnected graphs?

Since no global minimum spanning tree exists in a disconnected graph, the algorithm will not create edges between vertices that don't have any path between them. However, Kruskal's algorithm can still operate on disconnected graphs, but with some differences in the output.
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Does Prim's algorithm work on disconnected graph?

Other well-known algorithms for this problem include Kruskal's algorithm and Borůvka's algorithm. These algorithms find the minimum spanning forest in a possibly disconnected graph; in contrast, the most basic form of Prim's algorithm only finds minimum spanning trees in connected graphs.
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Does Kruskal have to be connected?

Kruskal's Algorithm has several advantages: It is simple to understand and implement. It works well with sparse graphs since it focuses on edges rather than vertices. The algorithm can handle disconnected components and find the MST for each connected component.
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Can a disconnected graph have a spanning tree?

A disconnected graph does not have any spanning tree, as it cannot be spanned to all its vertices. We found three spanning trees off one complete graph. A complete undirected graph can have maximum nn-2 number of spanning trees, where n is the number of nodes.
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Is a disconnected graph a tree?

An undirected graph is a tree if it's acyclic AND connected (there is a path from each node to each other node.) An acyclic disconnected graph is called a forest (it consists of several trees).
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Can a disconnected graph be a subgraph?

If we take a graph and delete some edges, or some of its vertices (and all edges connected to it), we obtain a subgraph of the original.
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Can a disconnected graph be Eulerian?

Conditions for Eulerian in Disconnected Graphs

To consider a disconnected graph Eulerian, each component sub-graph must itself be Eulerian – meaning each sub-graph must be connected and all its vertices must have an even degree.
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Can a disconnected graph have a Hamiltonian path?

We observe that not every graph is Hamiltonian; for instance, it is clear that a dis- connected graph cannot contain any Hamiltonian cycle/path.
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Can a disconnected graph be bipartite?

Graph Theory

Since the complement G ¯ of a disconnected graph G is spanned by a complete bipartite graph it must be connected.
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What is the minimum spanning tree for a disconnected graph?

In the case of a disconnected graph, the minimum spanning tree can not be formed but many spanning-tree forests can be formed. In the case of a disconnected graph, the distance between two vertices present in two different components is infinity.
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How to get minimum spanning tree?

Step 1: Sort all edges in increasing order of their edge weights. Step 2: Pick the smallest edge. Step 3: Check if the new edge creates a cycle or loop in a spanning tree. Step 4: If it doesn't form the cycle, then include that edge in MST.
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Is every graph has only one minimum spanning tree?

Every graph has only one minimum spanning tree. Explanation: Minimum spanning tree is a spanning tree with the lowest cost among all the spacing trees. Sum of all of the edges in the spanning tree is the cost of the spanning tree. There can be many minimum spanning trees for a given graph.
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