Does baptism really matter?

For Christians, it is the opportunity to formally welcome their child into the family of God. Even for non-Christians, it is considered a very important rite of passage.
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Is it really necessary to be baptized?

Baptism is not an essential part of the Gospel. Submission to water baptism is a requirement for obedience after salvation (Matt. 28:18-20), but it is not a prerequisite to spiritual regeneration. Fourth, Peter's statement in Acts 2:38 can be interpreted in the light of the ministry of John the Baptist.
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Why does baptism matter?

The early Christians practiced baptism as it had been ordained by Christ, it marked the personal identification with Christ, it marked the entrance into the Christian family, and it provided an opportunity for a public confession of faith.
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Are you sinless after baptism?

So yes, we do sin even though we have been made righteous through Christ's blood. But we have this certain hope that one day when we stand before God he will see us perfect. All possible because of what God has done, not something we have earned which therefore could be lost.
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Does baptism change anything?

By Baptism all sins are forgiven, Original Sin and all personal sins, and temporal punishment due to sin is removed. After one has been reborn in Christ, there is nothing to prevent one's entry into God's Kingdom.
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What is BAPTISM and why is it IMPORTANT?

Is it a sin not to be baptized?

Therefore, a refusal to be water baptized does not - by itself - prove a lack of salvation. Baptism is an important step of obedience for a Christian, but water baptism is not a required for salvation. We strongly believe that each and every Christian should be water baptized by immersion.
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Can I get baptized twice?

No sin can erase this mark, even if sin prevents Baptism from bearing the fruits of salvation. Given once for all, Baptism cannot be repeated. The baptisms of those to be received into the Catholic Church from other Christian communities are held to be valid if administered using the Trinitarian formula.
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Will God forgive me if I sin after baptism?

God will forgive you for your past sins through baptism. From baptism on, you'll have to confess your sins to God, in order to be forgiven as is written: in 1 John 1:9: ``IF we are CONFESSING OUR SINS, He is FAITHFUL and RIGHTEOUS TO FORGIVE US THE SINS and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.''
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Which sin is only removed by baptism?

Concupiscence or inclination to sin: baptism erases original sin but the inclination to sin remains. The absence of sanctifying grace in the new-born child is also an effect of the first sin, for Adam, having received holiness and justice from God, lost it not only for himself but also for humanity.
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Does it matter how you are baptized?

Many believe that there are different forms of baptism such as immersion, sprinkling and pouring. However, when we examine the word itself and the practice of baptism in the New Testament, we see that there is only one proper form of baptism as it applies to one being baptized in order to receive forgiveness of sins.
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Does baptism wash away sins?

No, only the blood of Christ and the renewal of the Holy Spirit can cleanse us from sin.
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Why is baptism so powerful?

The power of baptism is the testimony that Christ still saves, today! The power of baptism is the power of knowing that God is at work in your life and you are bowing to His plan. The power of baptism is peace with God and the beginning of eternal life with Christ.
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Am I saved if I am not baptized?

Only Jesus Saves—Baptism Signifies

The Bible says that we are saved by grace through faith and that is not of ourselves. We are admonished, “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you should be saved” (Acts 16:31). The Bible also commands baptism, but baptism does not save us from sin. Communion cannot save.
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Can I baptize myself?

Answer: While you cannot baptize yourself, rest assured that if you should die with no opportunity for baptism, your desire for it will suffice. The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains in such cases, “the desire for Baptism… brings about the fruits of Baptism without being a sacrament” (CCC 1258).
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Did Jesus say you must be baptized?

Perhaps the most popular passage people use to claim Jesus mandates baptism for salvation is Matthew 28:19, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,” Once again, the order of the verbs is vital.
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Do people still sin after getting baptized?

Instead, he insists that even our deadly sins (sins Rome defines as lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy and pride) are not necessarily sins against the Holy Spirit. We will commit such deadly sins, even after we have been baptized. But they are pardonable, as long as we repent.
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What if I was baptized before I was saved?

We believe, as Reformed Christians, that baptism does not have to occur after faith. In some circumstances, it's perfectly legitimate for baptism to occur before faith, and yet it remains a valid sacrament. That is what Reformed Christians believe the Bible teaches about baptism.
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Does anything change after baptism?

Baptism is the beginning of the “mighty change” we must all experience in order to return to our Father in Heaven (see Alma 5:13–14 and Mosiah 5:7–9). As we live up to our covenants, our desires and actions change and we become more and more like our Father in Heaven.
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What happens to the unbaptized?

The Roman Catholic view is that baptism is necessary for salvation and that it frees the recipient from original sin. Roman Catholic tradition teaches that unbaptized infants, not being freed from original sin, go to Limbo (Latin: limbus infantium), which is an afterlife condition distinct from Hell.
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Will God accept me if I'm not baptized?

Every Christian who wants to walk obediently should be baptized. But baptism is not a requirement for salvation. The gospel does not say that we must obey God in order to be saved. Obedience is evidence of salvation but not the cause or requirement of salvation.
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Is it true you can only be baptized once?

In a word, NO! Although the Nicene Creed (a statement of Faith that all TRUE Christians adhere to) is crystal clear that there is ONLY one “baptism for the remission of sins,” it is not necessarily a sin to be baptized two or more time. However, only the first baptism count, after that you are just “getting wet.”
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Is rebaptism a sin?

The sin of getting re-baptized unconditionally would be a grave one, which means that it would be a mortal sin if the usual conditions were met. But he may have been re-baptized with sufficient ignorance that the sin would not have been mortal.
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Is baptism permanent?

Once someone is validly baptized, Catholic or otherwise, he is baptized forever (CIC 845).
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Can you be baptized at any age?

Whenever it happens, whether as a baby, child or adult, baptism is at the heart of an amazing journey of faith as a follower of Jesus Christ. You are never too old to take this step, and being baptized as an adult is a wonderful experience.
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