Was there a planet that hit Earth?

Most researchers now believe that a large asteroid or comet hit the Earth at the end of the Cretaceous Period 66 million years ago.
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Has Earth ever been hit by a planet?

Scientists call the scenario where Theia collided into Earth to form the Moon the Giant Impact Hypothesis. There are debates as to whether that collision was head-on or if Earth was sideswiped by Theia. Yuan says this supports the findings of a 2001 study suggesting Theia hit Earth at about a 45 degree angle.
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Was there a planet that crashed into Earth?

Scientists say they've finally found remnants of Theia, an ancient planet that collided with Earth to form the moon. Portions of the moon-forming impactor Theia survived throughout Earth's history in the deep mantle, according to a new theory proposed in a study published in the journal Nature on November 1, 2023.
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Did a planet ever collide with Earth?

During those early ages, a planetary body the size of Mars slammed into the still-forming Earth. The collision was so powerful, it broke apart that impacting protoplanet, nicknamed Theia, and sent huge amounts of material into orbit around Earth—material that eventually coalesced into the moon.
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What planet might hit Earth?

There is a slim but overlooked risk that the "God of Chaos" asteroid Apophis could hit Earth as it makes a super close approach to our planet in 2029, a new study reveals. The odds of such a calamitous collision are more than one-in-a-billion — but we won't be able to rule it out for at least three more years.
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Could a rogue planet hit Earth?

The short answer is no. But what is a rogue or nomad planet, and why should we not be afraid of something that big hurtling through space? Rogue planets roam the galaxy without orbiting any star. Once thought rare, these free-floating celestial bodies are now said to be pretty common.
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Did Earth have a sibling planet?

Ask which planet in the solar system is Earth's closest sibling, and many people might point to Mars. It orbits nearby, just a little farther from the Sun. It was born at the same time and with the same stuff as Earth. And it is thought to have once had rivers and lakes, even oceans.
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Does Theia still exist?

During this chaotic period in our local neighborhood, Theia, a Mars-sized protoplanet, may have struck the Earth with such force that impact debris from this collision created the moon. Now, scientists think that pieces of Theia may still be present to this day within our planet's mantle.
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Could Venus hit Earth?

Mars and Venus could slam into Earth billions of years hence

New supercomputer simulations predict that, in 3 billion to 4 billion years, there is a slight chance that Venus or Mars will slam into our planet thanks to the subtle gravitational interactions between Jupiter and Mercury.
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Did Earth have a twin planet?

Venus and Earth are sometimes called twins because they're pretty much about the same size. Venus is almost as big as Earth. They also formed in the same inner part of the solar system. Venus is in fact our closest neighbor to Earth.
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Could a planet hit us?

Technically yes, but no, or absolutely not, is the better answer. It has happened in the past. The Theia impact. Theia was a smallish planet which collided into Earth 4.5 billion years ago, and is the reason we have our Moon.
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Did Earth have two moons?

Earth may have once had two moons, but one was destroyed in a slow-motion collision that left our current lunar orb lumpier on one side than the other, scientists say.
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Has any planet disappeared?

With the recovery of MALLY, only five minor planets are still "lost". They are "(473) NOLLI" (last seen in the year 1901), "(719) ALBERT" (1911), "(724) HAPAG" (1911), "(878) MILDRED" (1916) and "(1026) INGRID" (1923).
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Has anything hit Earth before?

Throughout Earth's history, there have been many instances of near-Earth objects (NEOs) impacting our planet, either reaching the surface or exploding above ground from the intense energy released as the object passed through the atmosphere.
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Was Earth hit by a meteor?

The 2013 Chelyabinsk meteor event is the only known such incident in modern times to result in numerous injuries. Its meteor is the largest recorded object to have encountered the Earth since the Tunguska event.
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What happened 3.8 billion years ago?

Life on Earth began at the end of this period called the late heavy bombardment, some 3.8 billion years ago. The earliest known fossils on Earth date from 3.5 billion years ago and there is evidence that biological activity took place even earlier - just at the end of the period of late heavy bombardment.
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Will Mars hit Earth?

Neither planet is at all likely to leave its usual orbit and collide with the other. Even if some huge force caused a planet to change its orbit, it would be extremely unlikely that it would strike the other planet. Space is huge, and planets are, comparatively, very, very small.
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Would a human survive on Venus?

Most astronomers feel that it would be impossible for life to exist on Venus. Today, Venus is a very hostile place. It is a very dry planet with no evidence of water, its surface temperature is hot enough to melt lead, and its atmosphere is so thick that the air pressure on its surface is over 90 times that on Earth.
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Why was Venus destroyed?

Although the probes were built sturdy as diving bells, each could take photos and obtain data for only about an hour before being destroyed by the heat and pressure. Scientists theorize that Venus fell victim to a runaway greenhouse effect — excess carbon dioxide trapping solar heat under the blanket of its atmosphere.
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Did a piece of the moon break off?

An artist's impression of Earth quasi-satellite Kamo`oalewa near the Earth-moon system. A mysterious space rock that's been floating around Earth might actually be a piece of the moon that was blasted off millions of years ago, according to a new study.
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Did Earth have rings?

In a discovery that challenges our understanding of Earth's ancient history, researchers have found evidence suggesting that Earth may have had a ring system, which formed around 466 million years ago, at the beginning a period of unusually intense meteorite bombardment known as the Ordovician impact spike.
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Is there another world under the ground?

However, modern science has not found evidence of any underworld existing deep down near the Earth's core. According to scientists, there are many layers inside the Earth, which include the crust, mantle and core. The crust is the outermost layer, the mantle is in the middle and the core is the innermost.
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Which planet once had life?

"Current models indicate that Venus may have been habitable. Complex life may have evolved on the highly irradiated Venus, and transferred to Earth on asteroids.
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What collided with Earth?

Theia was eventually perturbed away from that relationship by the gravitational influence of Jupiter, Venus, or both, resulting in a collision between Theia and Earth.
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Has a planet ever hit Earth?

Zeebe reports good news for modern man: In no simulation did any planet hit Earth. In the 20 September issue of The Astrophysical Journal, Zeebe states that our planet's orbit is highly stable for at least the next 5 billion years and that the odds of another world smashing into us are extremely slim.
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