Why should you use TCP?

TCP provides reliability, error checking, sequencing, flow control, and compatibility advantages over UDP in OS networking.
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Why would you use TCP?

What is TCP used for? TCP enables data to be transferred between applications and devices on a network and is used in the TCP IP model. It is designed to break down a message, such as an email, into packets of data to ensure the message reaches its destination successfully and as quickly as possible.
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What is benefit of TCP protocol?

One of the main functions of TCP is to ensure reliable data delivery by providing error detection, packet re-transmission and sequencing of data packets. It guarantees that data is received error-free and in the correct order. Web browsing. Without TCP, web browsing wouldn't be possible.
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When should TCP be used?

TCP is best used for direct communication in which a reliable connection is needed, such as web browsing, email, text messaging, and file transfers. UDP is best used for live and real-time data transmission when speed is more important than reliability.
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Why is TCP preferred over UDP?

The advantages of TCP over UDP are: TCP provides reliable delivery, whereas UDP does not. UDP is faster than TCP for bulk data transfers, but TCP is faster for interactive applications. TCP has better security features than UDP.
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TCP vs UDP Comparison

Why is TCP safer than UDP?

UDP is faster than TCP because it doesn't order or error-check data packets. TCP is more reliable and provides error-checking to ensure that data packets are delivered in the correct order. TCP is also slightly more secure than UDP because it tracks all data packets, making it more difficult to insert malicious data.
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Is TCP or UDP better for gaming?

UDP stands for user datagram protocol. Compared to TCP, the UDP network protocol is less reliable, but faster and more straightforward. It's often used in situations where higher speeds are crucial, like in streaming or gaming.
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Why use TCP instead of HTTP?

TCP tells the destination computer which application should receive data and ensures the proper delivery of said data, whereas HTTP is used to search and find the desired documents on the Internet.
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Why is TCP still used?

The TCP / IP protocol stack or suite of protocols is popular because it is the dominant communication model of the global Internet, with at least one billion hosts and another one billion websites. The protocol suite requires additional mechanisms to ensure security.
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Why is TCP so popular?

TCP is widely used for its reliability, ordered nature (the packets are processed in a fixed sequence, not just as they arrive), and error correction. TCP is used for a ton of things, like email, file transfers, and any other operation where ordered, error-free data is more important than pure speed.
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What is TCP good for?

Uses. The instructions on the TCP bottle state that TCP can be used for sore throats, mouth ulcers, cuts, grazes, bites and stings, boils, spots and pimples. It can also be used as a mouthwash when diluted, and can also be used as a general disinfectant.
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What are the pros and cons of TCP?

Advantages of TCP: Reliable data transfer, simplifies programming. Disadvantage: Noticeable transmission delay in WAN. System in paper improves TCP data throughput without impacting responsiveness.
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Why is TCP IP better?

However, TCP/IP has the advantage of having more applications, and it is also commonly used in more current networking structures. This makes it preferable for some administrators because it may be the framework commonly used by teammates or other admins.
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Why does Netflix use TCP instead of UDP?

"Netflix uses TCP because TCP is much time-sensitive and does not require port forwarding. It helps to enable the full bandwidth of the network. We can compress more data at once in TCP and also reloaded data packets do not pose a problem.
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What problems does TCP solve?

The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a transport protocol that is used on top of IP to ensure reliable transmission of packets. TCP includes mechanisms to solve many of the problems that arise from packet-based messaging, such as lost packets, out of order packets, duplicate packets, and corrupted packets.
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What is the most common use of TCP?

Major internet applications such as the World Wide Web, email, remote administration, and file transfer rely on TCP, which is part of the Transport layer of the TCP/IP suite. SSL/TLS often runs on top of TCP.
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Why do we use TCP?

Advantages of TCP

It provides a connection-oriented reliable service, which means that it guarantees the delivery of data packets. If the data packet is lost across the network, then the TCP will resend the lost packets. It provides a flow control mechanism using a sliding window protocol.
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When should I use TCP?

What protocol should I use? You should use TCP when you are willing to sacrifice speed for data to be received in order and in full. TCP is best for when you need a faultless transfer to take place, such as for a large file download or to access web resources in order and accurately.
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Why do we need TCP ports?

Ports are numbered and used as global standards to identify specific processes or types of network services. Much like before shipping something to a foreign country, you'd agree where you'd be shipping out of and where you'd have it arriving, TCP ports allow for standardized communication between devices.
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Why not to use TCP?

TCP prioritizes organized and error-free delivery of data packets, and in some ways, this makes it too reliable for real-time communication like VoIP calls. In other words, sometimes TCP can waste time making sure that all the data is nice and tidy, and that's not always necessary for calls.
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Why is TCP reliable?

TCP achieves this reliability by assigning a sequence number to each octet it transmits and requiring a positive acknowledgment (ACK) from the receiving TCP. If the ACK is not received within the time-out interval, the data is retransmitted.
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Why is TCP better than UDP?

TCP is reliable as it guarantees the delivery of data to the destination router. The delivery of data to the destination cannot be guaranteed in UDP. TCP provides extensive error-checking mechanisms. It is because it provides flow control and acknowledgment of data.
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Why don't games use TCP?

In TCP, data is guaranteed to be received in order - meaning, if a single packet gets lost somewhere in the pipes, your application won't receive any data until that packet finally arrives (either is retransmitted or finally finds its way). This is not a good idea for games.
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Is OpenVPN TCP or UDP?

Answer: OpenVPN uses UDP for optimal performance but supports TCP for compatibility with restrictive networks. TCP 443 is used to mimic HTTPS traffic, often allowed through firewalls.
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Is UDP still used?

UDP is commonly used in time-sensitive communications where occasionally dropping packets is better than waiting. Voice and video traffic are often sent using this protocol because they are both time-sensitive and designed to handle some level of loss.
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