What is the right scalene triangle?

Right-angled scalene triangle– these triangles have one angle that is 90°, and two more of differing values. All three sides are of differing lengths.
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What is a scalene right triangle in real life?

The most common examples of scalene triangles in our daily lives are sailboats, ramps, and roof trusses.
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Is a right triangle scalene isosceles or equilateral?

The longest side of the right triangle (across from the "box") is called the "hypotenuse". The remaining two sides are referred to as "legs", which may, or may not, be of equal length. Note: It is possible for a right triangle to also be scalene or isosceles.
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What is this scalene triangle?

A scalene triangle is a triangle in which all three sides are in different lengths, and all three angles are of different measures. However, the sum of all the interior angles is always equal to 180 degrees. Thus, it meets the angle sum property of the triangle.
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What are the 7 types of triangles?

The six types of triangles are: isosceles, equilateral, scalene, obtuse, acute, and right. An isosceles triangle is a triangle with two congruent sides and one unique side and angle.
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O que é um triângulo escaleno? | Tipos de Triângulos | Matemática com o Sr. J

What are the 12 types of triangles?

Table of contents:
  • Scalene Triangle.
  • Isosceles Triangle.
  • Equilateral Triangle.
  • Acute Angle Triangle.
  • Right Angle Triangle.
  • Obtuse Angle Triangle.
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What are the 4 special triangles?

The 45°–45°–90° triangle, the 30°–60°–90° triangle, and the equilateral/equiangular (60°–60°–60°) triangle are the three Möbius triangles in the plane, meaning that they tessellate the plane via reflections in their sides; see Triangle group.
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What is a right scalene triangle?

A right scalene triangle is a triangle that contains the properties of both the right triangle and scalene triangle. It comes in the category of both right triangles and scalene triangles. One of its angles measures 90°and all the sides and angles are different in measurements.
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Can a scalene triangle be isosceles?

A scalene triangle can never be an isosceles triangle. By definition, an isosceles triangle is one that has two equal sides and two equal angles. Since the angles and sides of a scalene triangle must all be different, it is not possible for a triangle to be both an isosceles triangle and a scalene triangle.
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Can a right triangle be isosceles?

An Isosceles Right Triangle is a right triangle that consists of two equal length legs. Since the two legs of the right triangle are equal in length, the corresponding angles would also be congruent.
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Can 5 10 15 make a triangle?

Answer: No, it is not a right triangle. Step-by-step explanation: Using the property of the right triangle, square root (5^2 + 10^2) = 5root(5), and it is not equal to 15, so it is not a right triangle.
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Can a scalene triangle be obtuse?

Yes, it is possible to draw an obtuse scalene triangle. There are three possible types of obtuse triangles that are possible which are scalene obtuse triangle, isosceles obtuse triangle, and equilateral obtuse triangle. In an obtuse scalene triangle, there are three unequal sides and angles.
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Can a triangle be both scalene and right?

Answer and Explanation:

Yes, a right triangle can be scalene. The definition of a right triangle is that it is a triangle with a 90° angle. Thus, the only property that a triangle must satisfy in order to be a right triangle is that it has to contains a 90° angle.
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Is every right triangle scalene?

Since this right triangle has two sides of equal length, it is not a scalene triangle. Thus, since we can have a right triangle that is not scalene, we know that not all right triangles are scalene.
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What is a scalene triangle in math is fun?

A scalene triangle is a triangle with three unequal sides and three unequal angles. This type of triangle has no sides or angles that are equal to each other; all three sides have different lengths, and all three angles have different measurements.
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What are the special properties of a scalene right triangle?

Some of the important properties of a scalene triangle are given below. It has three sides, each of a different length. It has three angles, each of different measurements. It has no parallel or equal sides, hence, there is no line of symmetry.
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Are all right triangles isosceles or scalene?

No, not all right triangles are isosceles. Although it is possible to have a right triangle that is an isosceles triangle, not all right triangles are isosceles.
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Can a right triangle be equilateral?

In order for a right triangle to be an equilateral triangle, our property states that it would have to be the case that all of its angles have a measure of 60°, but this isn't possible since a right triangle must have an angle with measure 90°. Therefore, a right triangle cannot be an equilateral triangle.
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Can a right triangle be obtuse?

Answer and Explanation:

A right triangle cannot be obtuse because of the sizes of the angles therein. Any triangle has three sides, three angles, and three angles that equal 180 degrees. A right triangle is a triangle that has one right angle, an angle that is 90 degrees.
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What is a real life example of a scalene triangle?

- A Triangle with all angles of different measures. So no sides are equal and no angles are equal. Skateparks and many other outdoor places are full of scalene triangles! You can often find the sails on sailboats making scalene triangles as well.
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Is it possible to have a right angled scalene triangle?

Answer and Explanation:

A scalene triangle can have a right angle, or an angle with measure 90°, but not all scalene triangles have a right angle.
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What is the 30-60-90 triangle rule?

The 30-60-90 triangle rule is for finding the the lengths of two sides when one side is given. The shorter side is opposite the 30 degree angle, the longer side is opposite the 60 degree angle, and the hypotenuse is opposite the 90 degree angle.
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