Who was the Canadian who shot down the Red Baron?

Captain Arthur Roy Brown Canadian World War I flying ace whom the Royal Air Force officially credited with shooting down Manfred von Richthofen in...
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Who really shot down the Red Baron?

In his Official History Charles Bean suggests that it was probably Cedric Popkin who killed the Red Baron, but there are least two other possibilities favoured by some historians; Gunners Robert Buie and Snowy Evans from Beavis' 53rd Battery, who were manning Lewis guns when von Richthofen flew by them.
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Who was the Canadian pilot who shot down the Red Baron?

While pursuing a Canadian pilot with little experience and at a very low altitude (Lieutenant Wilfrid May) he was chased away by a seasoned Canadian pilot (Captain Arthur Brown) who dived steeply and fired at him before climbing to avoid crashing into the ground.
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Who was credited with killing the Red Baron?

Debate over who fired the shot that killed Richthofen

The RAF credited Brown with shooting down the Red Baron, but it is now generally agreed by historians, doctors, and ballistics experts that Richthofen was actually killed by an anti-aircraft (AA) machine gunner firing from the ground.
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Did Roy Brown shoot the Red Baron?

Captain Arthur Roy Brown was the Great War flying ace credited for bringing down German Baron Manfred von Richthofen, the legendary Red Baron. Although controversy will always follow the cause of the Baron's demise, generally sources give credit to Captain Brown for firing the fatal shot.
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100-year-old war mystery: Who shot down the Red Baron? | 60 Minutes Australia

Why is Roy Brown important?

A Royal Naval Air Service and Royal Air Force pilot and combat leader in the First World War, Roy Brown is inextricably linked to the demise of Manfred von Richthofen, Germany's highest scoring fighter pilot.
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How many confirmed kills did the Red Baron have?

Inside the Baron's Mind | PBS. Manfred von Richthofen, aka the "Red Baron," was the highest-scoring fighter pilot of World War I. In 20 months of combat, he officially shot down 80 enemy aircraft, including 21 planes in the month of April, 1917, alone.
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What were the Red Baron's last words?

However the Narrator claims that when the Red Baron crashed & was approached by the Australian Troops he was heard to say one word "Kaput" before he expired!
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How was the Red Baron destroyed?

The death of the Red Baron

His squadron of Fokker and Albatros aircraft were engaged in aerial combat with a squadron of RAF Sopwith Camels. During the engagement, when flying at low altitude over British lines, his plane was downed and he was found to have been killed by a single bullet.
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Did Billy Bishop fight the Red Baron?

Ernst Udet called him "the greatest English scouting ace" and one Jasta had a bounty on his head. On 30 April, Bishop survived an encounter with Jasta 11 and Manfred von Richthofen, the Red Baron. In May, Bishop received the Distinguished Service Order for shooting down two aircraft while being attacked by four others.
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Who is the greatest fighter ace of all time?

Erich “Bubi” Hartmann

With a kill count of 352 Allied aircraft, Erich Hartmann remains the most successful fighter pilot of all time, and it is highly unlikely that his score will ever be surpassed.
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Who was the pilot credited with downing the Red Baron?

One hundred years after the the Red Baron, the most feared and famous German fighter pilot ever was shot down over France, he is being brought back to life. With him, man the man credited with ending Baron von Richthofen's reign of terror in the World War I skies, Edmontonian Roy Brown.
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Why did Baron paint his plane red?

Flying any- thing up to ten hours a day, he became known as la sentinelle de Verdun. In order to help the men below recognize his plane, he obtained the permission of his unit commander, capitaine le marquis de Saint-Sauv- eur, to paint his aircraft all over. 4 The tradition is that he painted it red.
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How many times was the Red Baron buried?

The Red Baron was buried by the Allies with full military honors. In 1925 his body was exhumed and buried in Berlin, Germany. Later, he was exhumed again and buried in the Richthofen family's private tomb.
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Who is the Red Baron pizza named after?

The real Red Baron, of course, was a German World War I flying ace named Manfred von Richthoven, an aristocrat with a red airplane whose marksmanship was the downfall of numerous Allied pilots.
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How many German pilots died in WW1?

During World War I, German Air Service casualties exceeded 16,000 pilots and observers missing or dead due to enemy action, friendly fire, crashes and accidents in the air and on the ground, as well as illness and disease.
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Did the Red Barons brother survive the war?

Although Lothar survived the war he was killed in a flying accident in 1922 - four years after his more famous brother was shot down and killed.
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What did the French call the Red Baron?

He died on April 21, 1918, age 25, in the skies over Vaux sur Somme, France. His people called him der rote Kampfflieger (The Red Battle-Flyer), The French called him le petit rouge, and he is known in the English speaking world as the Red Baron.
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Who was the Red Baron's nemesis?

True Snoopy fans will also remember his arch-nemesis, the Red Baron. From time to time, Snoopy would slip into a daydream in which his doghouse became a trusty Sopwith Camel airplane that he'd fly into battle against the ruthless Red Baron. The Red Baron was much more than just a comic-strip villain, though.
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Did the Red Baron have PTSD?

Death of the Red Baron

Despite returning to duty with his Flying Circus just a few weeks later, he never fully recovered from the injury and complained of frequent headaches. Some historians have since speculated that he may have also been suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
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How many kills did the Red Baron have before he died?

  • Manfred von Richtofen Was born May 2nd 1892 died at 25 on April 21st 1918 he got 80 kills and known as the Red Baron and the deadliest pilot in WW1 he was shot down by a Canadian Ace.
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Who was the real Red Baron?

The famous pilot "Red Baron" Baron von Richthofen, was a fighter pilot with the German Air Force during World War I. He is considered the ace-of-aces of the war, being officially credited with 80 air combat victories – (5/2/1892 – 4/21/1918).
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Who is the deadliest ace in history?

And his adventures did not end after the war, as he survived imprisonment in a Soviet Gulag and later opposed the corruption of the industrial military complex. This is the story of Erich Hartmann, known as 'The Blonde Knight' or 'The Black Devil': the deadliest fighter ace of all time.
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Who has shot down the most planes in history?

Erich Hartmann is the most successful fighter pilot of all times – with 352 kills. A number that will never be surpassed. His nickname “Bubi” means “little boy” – and it's easy to find out why he was called like that.
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What happened to the Red Baron's plane?

A great deal of 'souveniring' took place when Richthofen's aircraft crashed inside allied lines on 21 April 1918. Captain Roy Brown was credited for shooting down the Baron. Eyewitnesses recalled that when the aircraft's fabric was torn off, a bystander made away with the propeller.
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